Thursday, 27 August 2009

Why the Rich get Richer and the Poor get Poorer

During the last two weeks it has begun to get a little quiet again. My confidence has taken a bit of a dip. I had taken on the new guy and it is imperative that I find him work otherwise he may leave. It is also imperative that I keep my existing staff in work in case they decide to leave. You may remember I said I had been following a guy called Chris Cardell. Now I know it's no good just listening and reading what people have to say, you need to take action on what you have learned. So, I followed through and sent out a mail shot to my potential customers. We only sent 100 because I couldn't see the point in spending lots of money if the mailshot was worded wrong or potential customers were not interested right now. Well, I am pleased to say that yesterday (Wednesday 26th) we had our 1st enquiry as a direct result of our mailshot, for exactly the type of work we were looking for. I've also been networking heavily again, I've been at the events by 6:30am. Networking is very important. There are free ones out there, so you don't have to pay a fortune to attend. One in particular in South Croydon is held once a month and is only £8. If you are in that area it is at the Purley Downs Golf Club, from 7:30am til 9am. It is held every 3rd Thursday of the month. I have also written to my past customers, my present customers and more potential customers. We'll wait and see what happens. I am still updating the old website whilst focusing on a new one for the more commercial side. The survey I carried out using Constant Contact Survey (which was free for 30 days!) has shown me that price is key, but if we are the same price as our competitors, because we are Eco Friendly, we would be more likely to get the contract. It is important that you have an edge over your competitors if possible. If you haven't got one, go find one!

Have you ever heard of Tony Robbins? What a guy. I just found out the holy grail of why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. It's all to do with conditioning the mind. I am a great believer in this. Here's how it works; If you believe you have the potential to do something you will take action. If you take action, you will see results. If you see results, you will believe even more in your potential so you take more action. The cycle begins. In the same way, if you don't believe in your potential, you will not take action, you will not see results and you will not believe, so your belief in your own potential will be knocked and you will take even less action, resulting in even worse results. That's why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. I truly believed that within 5 years of running my business I would not be carrying out the cleaning, but working on my business in a managerial roll. That has come true. I also truly believed that after my 50th birthday I would be able to own a new car. That has also come true. I do have bad days when my belief in my own potential dips, but at the end of the day, I truly do believe that I will succeed. In my new business, I feel I have failed so far in the utility business, but I have not stopped believing that it will work. Today, for the first time, I have begun to condition myself to believe that I have the potential to make it work, and today I took real action. I had some real interest for the first time. I think because I believe in myself, other people believe in me. I will let you know how I get on over the coming weeks.
I also, today booked myself on a speakers course to improve my 60 second pitch. You have to invest in yourself too. I feel I need to learn a bit more about marketing. I looked up a course at the local college, £850.00! So I am also teaching myself marketing via the Internet. There is so much free stuff out there!
Read me next week!

1 comment:

  1. Spot on. How to take action, learn the RIGHT skills to move you from where you are to where you wish to be. Good on you for pushing your barriers to. Will keep up with your updates. great post.

    Jay Roberts
